当前位置 博文首页 > 缘分锝天空的博客:SQL语句你会写了吗?一题教你轻松对付数据库


    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-07-21 09:48



    # 1.	查询所在城市为“北京”的所有工程号和工程名。
    select JNO,JNAME
    from j
    where CITY='北京';
    # 2.	查询所有零件的名称和颜色。
    select PNAME,COLOR
    from p;
    # 3.	查询工程J1中供货量大于300的供货商号和所供应的零件号。
    select SNO,PNO
    from spj
    where JNO='J1'and QTY>300;
    # 4.	查询在工程JI或J2中使用的零件编号。
    select PNO
    from spj
    where JNO='J1' or JNO='J2';
    # 5.	查询颜色未知的零件号和零件名。
    select PNO,PNAME
    from p
    where COLOR IS NULL;
    # 6.	查询在工程J1中所使用的红色零件的零件号。
    select p.PNO
    from p inner join spj
    where p.PNO=spj.PNO and JNO='J1' and COLOR='红';
    # 7.	查询不供应P2零件的供应商号和供应商名。
    select s.SNO,s.SNAME
    from s inner join spj
    where s.SNO=spj.SNO and PNO!='P2';
    # 8.	查询与工程J1在同一个城市的供货商信息。
    select SNO, SNAME, CITY
    from s
    where CITY in (select CITY from j where JNO = 'J1');
    # 9.	查询只为工程J1供货的供货商号和供应商名。
    select s.SNO, SNAME
    from spj,
    where spj.SNO = s.SNO
      and spj.SNO = 'J1'
      and spj.SNO in (select spj.SNO
                      from spj
                      group by s.SNO
                      having count(JNO) = 1);
    # 10.	查询为所有工程供货的供应商名。
    select SNAME
    from s
    where not exists(
            select *
            from j
            where not exists(
                    select *
                    from spj
                    where s.SNO=spj.SNO
                      and j.JNO=spj.JNO


    # 1.查询工程J1中由北京供应商供应的零件总数。
    select sum(QTY)
    from spj,
    where spj.JNO = j.JNO
      and j.JNO = spj.JNO
      and s.CITY = '北京';
    # 2.查询每个工程所需的零件总数。
    select JNO,sum(QTY)
    from spj
    group by JNO;
    # 3.查询为每个工程供货的供应商个数。
    select JNO, count(distinct SNO)
    from spj
    group by JNO;
    # 4.查询供应商数超过3个的工程号和供应商个数。输出时按供应商个数升序排列,供应商个数相同时,按工程号降序排列。
    select JNO, count(distinct SNO)
    from spj
    group by JNO
    having count(SNO)>3
    order by SNO desc ;
    # 5.查询向工程J1供货的各供应商号和供货总量,并按供货量降序排列输出。
    select SNO,sum(QTY)
    from spj
    where JNO='J1'
    group by SNO
    order by 2 desc ;
    # 6.查询最轻的螺丝刀的零件号和颜色。
    select PNO, COLOR
    from p
    where WEIGHT = (select min(WEIGHT) from p where PNAME = '螺丝刀');
    # 7.查询各种零件的平均使用量和零件号。
    select PNO, avg(QTY)
    from spj
    group by PNO;
    # 8.查询在所有工程中用量最大的零件号。
    select PNO
    from spj
    group by PNO
    having sum(QTY) >= all (select sum(QTY)
                           from spj
                           group by PNO
    # 9.查询供货总量超过5000的供应商号和供应商名。
    select s.SNO, SNAME
    from s,
    where s.SNO=spj.SNO
    group by s.SNO
    having sum(QTY)>5000;
    # 10.查询红色零件的种类。
    select PNAME
    from p
    where COLOR = '红';


    # 1. 向基本表P中插入一种新零件的信息:(‘P5’,’钢钉’,’白’,18)
    insert into p
    # 2.	将供应商S3向工程J1、J2供应零件P5的信息插入到基本表SPJ中,供货量分别为300和400。
    insert into spj
    values ('S3', 'P5', 'J1', '300'),
           ('S3', 'P5', 'J2', '400');
    # 3.	分别从基本表SPJ和J中删除和天津机床厂工程有关的信息。(使用两条删除语句,注意删除顺序)
    from p
    where PNO not in (select PNO from spj);
    # 4.	在基本表SPJ中将红色零件的供应商修改为S2。
    update spj
    set SNO='S2'
    where PNO in (select p.PNO
                  from p
                  where p.COLOR = '红');
    # 5.	将P4零件的颜色修改为白色,重量修改为12。
    update p
    set COLOR='白',WEIGHT=12
    where PNO='P4';
    # 6.	从基本表P中删除未在任何工程中使用的零件信息。
    from p
    where PNO not in (select PNO
                      from spj
    # 7.	建立供应商S1的供货视图V_S1(PNO,JNO,QTY)
    create view V_S1
    as select p.PNO,j.JNO,QTY
       from p,j,spj
       where p.PNO=spj.PNO and j.JNO=spj.JNO;
    # 8.	建立工程J1的零件供应视图V_J1(SNAME,PNAME,QTY)
    create view V_J1
    select s.SNAME, p.PNAME, spj.QTY
    from s,p,
    where s.SNO = spj.SNO
      and p.PNO = spj.PNO
      and JNO = 'J1';
    # 9.	建立红色零件视图V_RED(PNO,PNAME)
    create view V_red
    select PNO, PNAME
    from p
    where COLOR = '红';

