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    HTANoid 用hta编写的一个经典的游戏

    作者:admin 时间:2021-01-30 18:08

    This game is not finished. The purpose was just to show you that you can do some graphical things without having to use external pictures.
    If you want to develop this game, please submit your updates.

    File Name : htanoid.hta
    Requirement : IE 6 ?
    Author : Jean-Luc Antoine
    Submitted : 17/05/2002
    Category : Other



    复制代码 代码如下:

    <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" XMLNS:t="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">

     BORDER="thick" | "dialog" | "none"  | "thin"
     BORDERSTYLE="normal" | "complex" | "raised"  | "static"  | "sunken"
     CAPTION="yes" CONTEXTMENU="yes"
     ID="oHTA" alert(oHTA.applicationName);
     SYSMENU="yes" VERSION="0.5"
     WINDOWSTATE="normal" | "maximize" | "minimize">

    <script language=vbscript>
    Option explicit
    Const C_ScreenW=400
    Const C_NbX=12
    Const C_NbY=10
    Dim Terrain(10,12)
    Dim RaqX,RaqW,Playing,BalleX,BalleY
    Dim DirBX,DirBY 'Direction balle X,Y
    Dim BordDroit

    Sub Document_onKeyPress()
     Select Case UCase(Chr(Window.Event.keyCode))
     Case "P"
      Msgbox "pause"
     End Select
    End Sub

    Sub Document_onClick()
     'document.title="click " & window.event.button
    End Sub

    Sub Document_onMouseMove()
     RaqX=window.event.clientX-RaqW '.shiftKey .keyCode .ctrlKey .button .altKey
     If RaqX<16 Then RaqX=16 'Mur gauche
     If RaqX+RaqW>BordDroit Then RaqX=BordDroit-RaqW
     If Not Playing Then
     End If
    End Sub

    Sub DrawLevel(n)
     Dim k,x,y
     set k=document.getElementById("Raquette")
     For y=0 To C_NbY
      For x=0 To C_NbX
       Terrain(y,x)=0 'Nb de coups restant à porter

     Select Case n
     Case 1
      For y=0 To 5
       For x=0 To C_NbX
        k.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeBegin","<TABLE style='position:absolute;top=" & 102+14*y & ";left=" & 16+27*x _
        & ";width=25;height=10;' bgcolor=" & Array("silver","red","yellow","blue","magenta","lightgreen")(y) & "><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>"
     End Select
    End Sub

    Sub Init
     Dim x,y,k
     Window.MoveTo screen.Width/2-200,0
     Window.ReSizeTo C_ScreenW,484

     'Lives Left
     set k=document.getElementById("Raquette")
     'CreateElement + insertAdjacentElement
     For x=0 To 2
      k.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeBegin","<v:group style='position:absolute;top=430;left=" & 16+x*30 _
       & ";width:15pc;height:5pc;'><v:roundrect style='width:100;height:100;' fillcolor=red><v:fill type='gradient'/></v:roundrect>" _
       & "<v:rect style='position:relative;left:10;top:2;width:80;height:90' strokecolor=black><v:fill type='gradient' color=#4682b4 focus=0.2 /></v:rect></v:group>"

     DrawLevel 1

     window.setTimeout "Gere",10
    End Sub

    Sub Gere
     If Playing Then
      'Déplacement de la balle
      If DirBX>0 Then
       If BalleX+DirBX>BordDroit-10 Then DirBX=0-DirBx
       If BalleX+DirBX<16 Then DirBX=0-DirBx
      End If
      If DirBY>0 Then
       If BalleY+DirBY>400 Then DirBY=0-DirBY
       If BalleY+DirBY<50 Then DirBY=0-DirBY
      End If
     End If
     window.setTimeout "Gere",10
    End Sub
    <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
     v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
     t\:* {behavior:url(#default#time2)}

    BODY {
      font-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
      font-size: 8pt;
    TABLE,TD {
      border:'0pix groove';
    .score {
      font-size: 10pt;

    <body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 onload="vbscript:init">
    <!-- Panel de score -->
    <CENTER><font size=2 color=red><b>HIGH SCORE</b></font><br><table cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td width=50% align=center>
    <div id=Score class=score>1234</div></td><td><div id=HighScore class=score>123400</div></td></tr></table></CENTER>

    <!-- terrain -->
    <table width=100% height=420 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <tr height=14><td colspan=3>
     <v:rect style='width:100%;height:15'>
     <v:fill type="gradient" color=white color2=darkgray focus=3.3 />
    <tr height=100%><td width=15>
     <v:rect style='width:15;height:100%' strokecolor="#666666" strokeweight="2pt">
     <v:stroke dashstyle="dashdot" />
     <v:fill type="gradient" angle="-90" color2=white color=darkgray focus=3.3 />

     <td width=100%>

     <v:oval style='position:absolute;top=400;width:8;height:6' fillcolor=#009999 strokecolor=#0066FF id=boule>
     <v:fill type=gradientradial color2=white focusposition=0.3,0.3  focussize=0.01,0.01 />

     <v:group id=Raquette style='position:absolute;top=410;width:30pc;height:6pc;'>
     <v:roundrect style='width:100;height:100;' fillcolor=red>
      <v:fill type='gradient'/></v:roundrect>
     <v:rect style='position:relative;left:10;top:2;width:80;height:90' strokecolor=black>
      <v:fill type='gradient' color=#4682b4 focus=0.2 /></v:rect>

     <td  align=right>
     <v:rect style='width:15;height:100%' strokecolor="#666666" strokeweight="2pt">
     <v:stroke dashstyle="dashdot" />
     <v:fill type="gradient" angle="-90" color2=white color=darkgray focus=3.3 />


