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    vbs base64 解密脚本代码

    作者:admin 时间:2021-05-12 18:28

    复制代码 代码如下:

    Function fDecode(sStringToDecode)
    'This function will decode a Base64 encoded string and returns the decoded string.
    'This becomes usefull when attempting to hide passwords from prying eyes.
    Const CharList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
    Dim iDataLength, sOutputString, iGroupInitialCharacter
    sStringToDecode = Replace(Replace(Replace(sStringToDecode, vbCrLf, ""), vbTab, ""), " ", "")
    iDataLength = Len(sStringToDecode)
    If iDataLength Mod 4 <> 0 Then
    fDecode = "Bad string passed to fDecode() function."
    Exit Function
    End If
    For iGroupInitialCharacter = 1 To iDataLength Step 4
    Dim iDataByteCount, iCharacterCounter, sCharacter, iData, iGroup, sPreliminaryOutString
    iDataByteCount = 3
    iGroup = 0
    For iCharacterCounter = 0 To 3
    sCharacter = Mid(sStringToDecode, iGroupInitialCharacter + iCharacterCounter, 1)
    If sCharacter = "=" Then
    iDataByteCount = iDataByteCount - 1
    iData = 0
    iData = InStr(1, CharList, sCharacter, 0) - 1
    If iData = -1 Then
    fDecode = "Bad string passed to fDecode() function."
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If
    iGroup = 64 * iGroup + iData
    iGroup = Hex(iGroup)
    iGroup = String(6 - Len(iGroup), "0") & iGroup
    sPreliminaryOutString = Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 1, 2))) & Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 3, 2))) & Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 5, 2)))
    sOutputString = sOutputString & Left(sPreliminaryOutString, iDataByteCount)
    fDecode = sOutputString
    End Function

    base64 测试代码:
    复制代码 代码如下:

    Function fDecode(sStringToDecode)
    'This function will decode a Base64 encoded string and returns the decoded string.
    'This becomes usefull when attempting to hide passwords from prying eyes.
    Const CharList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
    Dim iDataLength, sOutputString, iGroupInitialCharacter
    sStringToDecode = Replace(Replace(Replace(sStringToDecode, vbCrLf, ""), vbTab, ""), " ", "")
    iDataLength = Len(sStringToDecode)
    If iDataLength Mod 4 <> 0 Then
    fDecode = "Bad string passed to fDecode() function."
    Exit Function
    End If
    For iGroupInitialCharacter = 1 To iDataLength Step 4
    Dim iDataByteCount, iCharacterCounter, sCharacter, iData, iGroup, sPreliminaryOutString
    iDataByteCount = 3
    iGroup = 0
    For iCharacterCounter = 0 To 3
    sCharacter = Mid(sStringToDecode, iGroupInitialCharacter + iCharacterCounter, 1)
    If sCharacter = "=" Then
    iDataByteCount = iDataByteCount - 1
    iData = 0
    iData = InStr(1, CharList, sCharacter, 0) - 1
    If iData = -1 Then
    fDecode = "Bad string passed to fDecode() function."
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If
    iGroup = 64 * iGroup + iData
    iGroup = Hex(iGroup)
    iGroup = String(6 - Len(iGroup), "0") & iGroup
    sPreliminaryOutString = Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 1, 2))) & Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 3, 2))) & Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(iGroup, 5, 2)))
    sOutputString = sOutputString & Left(sPreliminaryOutString, iDataByteCount)
    fDecode = sOutputString
    End Function
    msgbox fDecode("d3d3LmpiNTEubmV0")

    需要测试加密的代码的朋友可以访问 http://blog.iis7.com/tools/base64.htm
