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    react native 仿微信聊天室实例代码(3)

    栏目:代码类 时间:2019-09-17 11:21

    // 创建底部TabBarconst tabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator(  // tabbar路由(消息、通讯录、我)  {    Index: {      screen: Index,      navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => ({        tabBarLabel: '消息',        tabBarIcon: ({focused, tintColor}) => (          <View>            <Text style={[ GStyle.iconfont, GStyle.fs_20, {color: (focused ? tintColor : '#999')} ]}></Text>            <View style={[GStyle.badge, {position: 'absolute', top: -2, right: -15,}]}><Text style={GStyle.badge_text}>12</Text></View>          </View>        )      })    },    Contact: {      screen: Contact,      navigationOptions: {        tabBarLabel: '通讯录',        tabBarIcon: ({focused, tintColor}) => (          <View>            <Text style={[ GStyle.iconfont, GStyle.fs_20, {color: (focused ? tintColor : '#999')} ]}></Text>          </View>        )      }    },    Ucenter: {      screen: Ucenter,      navigationOptions: {        tabBarLabel: '我',        tabBarIcon: ({focused, tintColor}) => (          <View>            <Text style={[ GStyle.iconfont, GStyle.fs_20, {color: (focused ? tintColor : '#999')} ]}></Text>            <View style={[GStyle.badge_dot, {position: 'absolute', top: -2, right: -6,}]}></View>          </View>        )      }    }  },  // tabbar配置  {    ...  })

    ◆ RN聊天页面功能模块

    1、表情处理:原本是想着使用图片表情gif,可是在RN里面textInput文本框不能插入图片,只能通过定义一些特殊字符 :66: (:12 [奋斗] 解析表情,处理起来有些麻烦,而且图片多了影响性能,如是就改用emoj表情符。

    faceList: [  {    nodes: [      '🙂','😁','😋','😎','😍','😘','😗',      '😃','😂','🤣','😅','😉','😊','🤗',      '🤔','😐','😑','😶','🙄','😏','del',    ]  },  ...  {    nodes: [      '👓','👄','💋','👕','👙','👜','👠',      '👑','🎓','💄','💍','🌂','👧🏼','👨🏼',      '👵🏻','👴🏻','👨‍🌾','👨🏼‍🍳','👩🏻‍🍳','👨🏽‍✈️','del',    ]  },  ...]


    let selection = this.textInput._lastNativeSelection || null;this.textInput.setNativeProps({  selection : { start : xxx, end : xxx}})


    isEmpty = (html) => {  return html.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/, "").replace(/(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, "") == ""}

    /** * 聊天模块JS---------------------------------------------------- */// ...滚动至聊天底部scrollToBottom = (t) => {  let that = this  this._timer = setTimeout(() => {    that.refs.scrollView.scrollToEnd({animated: false})  }, t ? 16 : 0);}// ...隐藏键盘hideKeyboard = () => {  Keyboard && Keyboard.dismiss()}// 点击表情handlePressEmotion = (img) => {  if(img === 'del') return  let selection = this.editorInput._lastNativeSelection || null;  if (!selection){    this.setState({      editorText : this.state.editorText + `${img}`,      lastRange: this.state.editorText.length    })  }  else {    let startStr = this.state.editorText.substr(0 , this.state.lastRange ? this.state.lastRange : selection.start)    let endStr = this.state.editorText.substr(this.state.lastRange ? this.state.lastRange : selection.end)    this.setState({      editorText : startStr + `${img}` + endStr,      lastRange: (startStr + `${img}`).length    })  } }// 发送消息isEmpty = (html) => {  return html.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/, "").replace(/(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, "") == ""}handleSubmit = () => {  // 判断是否为空值  if(this.isEmpty(this.state.editorText)) return  let _msg = this.state.__messageJson  let _len = _msg.length  // 消息队列  let _data = {    id: `msg${++_len}`,    msgtype: 3,    isme: true,    avator: require('../../../assets/img/uimg/u__chat_img11.jpg'),    author: '王梅(Fine)',    msg: this.state.editorText,    imgsrc: '',    videosrc: ''  }  _msg = _msg.concat(_data)  this.setState({ __messageJson: _msg, editorText: '' })  this.scrollToBottom(true)}// >>> 【选择区功能模块】------------------------------------------// 选择图片handleLaunchImage = () => {  let that = this  ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary({    // title: '请选择图片来源',    // cancelButtonTitle: '取消',    // takePhotoButtonTitle: '拍照',    // chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: '相册图片',    // customButtons: [    //   {name: 'baidu', title: 'baidu.com图片'},    // ],    // cameraType: 'back',    // mediaType: 'photo',    // videoQuality: 'high',    // maxWidth: 300,    // maxHeight: 300,    // quality: .8,    // noData: true,    storageOptions: {      skipBackup: true,    },  }, (response) => {    // console.log(response)    if(response.didCancel){      console.log('user cancelled')    }else if(response.error){      console.log('ImagePicker Error')    }else{      let source = { uri: response.uri }      // let source = {uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data}      that.setState({ imgsrc: source })      that.scrollToBottom(true)    }  })}